Why We Need Preservatives in Wine?
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Why do we need sulfur in wine? Sulfur in wine is used as an antioxidant, and sterilization. This prevents oxygen reacts with the wine and turn it into vinegar, which kills all living organisms in the wine sector (including the dough in a concentration high enough). When storing wine is very clean and is regularly to be sulphites in wine. No sulfur, to participate in a bottle of wine per year.
Sulfites in wine have been used for thousands of years. The Romans used to burn parts of sulfur, sulfur, and developed add wines as preservatives in foods used in the 17th century.
What is the effect of sulfur dioxide (sulfite) for humans? People sensitive to sulphites, as evidenced by the reaction of asthma, nasal congestion, constipation, difficulty breathing, etc. Some people have no reaction to sulfites in foods, while others show severe reaction. It's like an allergy, some people die from a bee sting, while others are simply annoyed by it. People with asthma have an increased risk of reaction to sulphites. Sulphites are higher in young wines and desserts. Disappeared after several years in the bottle is sulfur.
Whence comes the headache of red wine (CEP) is, is not it? About 1% of the population is vulnerable) sulfur (sulfite, according to United States
Data Food and Drug Administration, and some people say it causes headaches. Another group said that the tannins in wine headaches.
Tannins cause the release of serotonin (a neurotransmitter) that lead to high blood concentrations of migraine. However, tea and chocolate can also be a high level of tannins and not hear many people complain of headaches, tea or chocolate. However, some people with migraine are very sensitive to chocolate, tea and red wine. Faith, however, another group of experts that the headache of histamine in wine. The vulnerability is the absence of a specific enzyme for histamine and the theory that this, in combination with alcohol in wine, so the reaction and headache. The consolation is that it is a natural component of wine that people can accept it, is not the man who additives. Some studies have shown that common aspirin taken before the consumption of wine, can delay or prevent entry of rainwater harvesting.
What is the difference between today and hangover headache the next day? If you are sensitive to a particular wine you are headache in 15 minutes to get to drink wine. There are many reasons as above, but the main difference is the riddle to be very fast. Sugar ax in front of the head hangover the next day is usually dehydration and low blood pressure are often the result of simply too much to drink. The best way to eat a 'headache' information, drinking, and potable water. Moderation in the amount of wine you drink probably also helps.
No sulfites or red wine over white? Lapsed! Rules permit higher sulfite reducing white wine and red wine at concentrations higher in sweet wines. The sulfites are sweet wines is necessary to stop the fermentation of residual sugar in wine.
The Conservatives, or in the case of P6, colors or fragrances used in production on the label the name of the additive type and name of the additive or the appropriate code, such as extra. Conservatives sulfur or Conservative (220). There is no need to use capital letters, Volume Two. Note: If sulfur dioxide is taken to ensure that all applications received that the wine produced no sulfur or preservatives such as sulfur dioxide by yeasts. Conservatives will be used if 10 mg / l of total sulfur dioxide in wine.
Keeping the wine is the most common sulfur dioxide 220, 222, bisulfite sodium, metabisulfite sodium 223rd
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