Red Wine is Good for Your Health
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Red Wine is for health and health protection. Consumption of red wine for the heart, good lungs, kidneys, brain and much more. For red wine, white wine the skins are fermented grapes, red wine contains more resveratrol. Red wine is particularly rich in antioxidants that act phenols, flavonoids, many studies have found the cause of the effect of phenolic compounds concentrated red wine in particular resveratrol and flavonoids. However, the evidence is clear that regular, moderate consumption of red wine for health benefits.
If your goal is a healthy body and a habit, red wine is not the worst vice in the world. A recent survey showed a substance called resveratrol, which makes the skin and seeds of grapes used for wine, promising benefits for heart health. He has been involved in any kind of health benefits in recent years: the heart, lungs and the prevention of breast cancer, prostate cancer, tooth decay, strength, and a little prosperity. The main health benefits of moderate alcohol consumption appears that the impact on the development of atherosclerosis is the accumulation of fatty plaque deposits in blood vessels, especially the coronary arteries of the heart. Recommendations to consume moderate amounts of wine to persons having a certificate of good health. Smoking, even in countries such as Australia, the United States and the wine drinkers in the UK than less, exercising more and generally leading lifestyle in good health for most beer drinkers. Therefore, it is likely that a healthy lifestyle is associated with the consumption of drinking wine does not protect against heart disease, and the same wine.
The so-called Mediterranean diet , which is an increase in wine consumption was associated with lower cardiovascular disease in these countries, despite the high intake of saturated fat. The per-section studies show that antioxidants in red wine with red wine, called polyphenols, the blood vessels of the heart. It is unclear how beneficial grapes or other foods can be compared with the consumption of red wine when it comes to promoting heart health. Interestingly, if I have half a glass of wine at the end of the week has been hectic my pulse and blood pressure significantly.
However, more research is needed before we know whether red wine is better for the heart than other forms of alcohol such as beer or drink.
We have to 2 drinks per day for each type of alcohol found that HDL cholesterol increased by 12%. Some researchers believe that resveratrol can prevent the most important ingredient in red wine, which damage blood vessels, reduces bad cholesterol and prevents blood clots.
Other studies also show that red wine (HDL) can increase good cholesterol and prevent LDL (bad cholesterol) training.
One of the best known and most studied benefits of red wine is heart protective effect. The variety of red wines that can be any type of food. A good steak with a glass of red wine quality is a major culinary double acts. Hopefully cooler heads will prevail, and medical findings that red wine's health is that the way to authorize the consumption of red wine opens on a large scale.
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