Drinking Red Wine Health Benefits
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If aos abuse, Red Wine May actually have a positive effect on health. For Researchers have long known, the cardiovascular benefits of flavonoids in red wine. In recent times, have been found in two other categories of antioxidant Dove, resulting in a higher efficiency of health drinker. The first act, saponins, to prevent the absorption of cholesterol in the body, while resversatrol seconds, estimated to inhibit tumor growth in certain cancers.
Flavonoids are antioxidants in the skin and seeds of red grapes. It is known to reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering cholesterol levels is known density (LDL),, Aubade, cholesterol, while increasing the AU high-density lipoprotein (HDL), Augood, cholesterol. This is to prevent OSA Flavonoids help dilate blood vessels and cause red blood cells stick together to continue to increase the risk of heart attack or stroke.
The skin of red grapes are also the source of saponins. Inhibitor of cholesterol is also found in soybeans and peas. Its concentration in red wine is 10 times higher than white wine. Resversatrol also comes from grape skins. As the potential benefits of years for patients with cancer, this antioxidant appears to help shape the nerve cells, it is important to treat neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's, aos aos Parkinson's disease. It has a small ad that may have anti-aging resversatrol. This is based on a Harvard study, which expanded on live yeast cells by 80% to resversatrol added to the foundation. It remains to be seen whether the same benefits as in human cells.
Another compound in the skin of red grapes, polyphenol, acts on the body chemicals that prevent blood vessels. This reduces the fatty streaks in the vessels, to suffer more healthy which in turn owns a rare heart attack.
However, there is a downside to all this good news to encounter. It seems that only a glass of wine (red or white) per day is enough to increase the annual risk of women with breast cancer by 6%. As health professionals are often reluctant to recommend the regular consumption of red wine, despite the proven benefits of cardiovascular diseases and others. If you regularly keep in health for participation in the year of love, one cup at night.
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