Resveratrol: Red Wine Extract Link To Life Extension

Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 11:27 PM

Recent studies suggest that resveratrol is an extract of red wine, to be able to prolong life (study - D Sinclair of Harvard Medical School in Boston and his colleagues at the University of Connecticut and Brown University in Rhode Iceland -- Nature Published on July 13).

The study showed that controlled fries and worms fed resveratrol 30% longer than those who lived not fed resveratrol. Since all beings share many biological processes, there seems no evidence that this compound in red wine can also help prolong the life of the people.

Before these studies, resveratrol has been inextricably linked to protection against heart disease, mainly because of the high concentration of antioxidants linked parts of this compound. However, new findings seem to extend no relation to the antioxidant properties of resveratrol and the lifetime of a property will be different extracts. The most convincing theory is that resveratrol in May for a mechanism of caloric restriction that proteins called sirtuins similar activates SIR2. SIR2 is an important protein that is an important regulator of the aging process.

In contrast to the actual calorie restriction, resveratrol has no negative impact on fertility. In fact, experience shows that resveratrol improves fertility.

Researchers are currently trying to reproduce the same results in mice to show that the benefits of resveratrol and mammals.

To consume resveratrol supplements, we get the following protective benefits:

  • Reducing the risk and severity of stroke
  • Reduce the severity of Alzheimer's disease
  • Improved healing of skin
  • Protection of pancreatitis
  • Protect yourself from diabetic kidney disease
  • Protect against liver damage
  • Protect yourself against arthritis
  • Inspect the suppression of appetite and weight, or the loss of money
  • Improving the production of sperm
  • Inhibiting the formation of cataracts
  • The inhibition of the spread of herpes simplex

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