Reviews of Red Wine and Resveratol

Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 3:06 AM

The benefits of red wine were studied over two hundred years. In the 1990s, researchers discovered that the French system is very healthy, although nutritionists say there should be sound, and the media have published the story of the French paradox.
1997 showed that the study does not prevent a substance in red wine, cancer of alcoholic beverages. Resveratrol is the ingredient and beverages increased attention from scientists, leading to an enormous research resveratrol. It was found that red wine is a complex mixture of bioactive substances, including flavonoids, monomers and polymers flavan-3-ols are anthocyanins, very colorful, but also contains phenolic acids and stilbene polyphenols and resveratrol. Research has shown that some of these compounds, health, including resveratrol, inclusive.

Resveratrol shows potential to achieve cancer treatment and chemo-prevention and cardiovascular protection.

The investigation that resveratrol may help prevent degenerative diseases, inflammation, ie, diabetes and heart disease has not been determined.

Low doses of resveratrol improves cell survival and protection mechanism of cardiovascular and neuro-protective, while high doses increase apoptotsis.

Currently trying to find that nature is a treasure trove of healthy compounds, and these studies support this finding resveratrol.

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