How to Lower Your Blood Pressure With a Wine and Cheese Party?

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A wine and cheese to enjoy a fun way to make new friends. It is also a good way to reduce your blood pressure.

Cheese and wine parties are ideal for large gatherings. It is great fun for all guests bring a bottle of wine and an exotic cheese. It is a great way to taste new wines and cheeses ... and, ideally, to start a discussion.

A cheese and wine, which is also the perfect way to relax ... You and your arteries. Wine is good for lowering blood pressure ... and cheese.

Red wine contains antioxidant protection - flavonol called resveratrol. This powerful antioxidant protects the arteries from damage caused by free radicals ... and helps prevent hardening of the arteries.

The presence of flavonoids in red wine does not keep well Platelets stick together ... taking this first step in the development of fatal blood clots. A glass of red wine will keep the blood in the arteries smooth.

Even more important blood pressure ... Recent studies have shown that consumption of red wine improves the functioning of the internal lining of arteries. If the walls of arteries is well ... expand freely and lower blood pressure.

One or two glasses of red wine a day ... It's the perfect amount of heart and arteries to keep you young - and keep your blood pressure normal. The dark red ... the better. Dark red wines are higher in the flavonoids resveratrol protection. Forget the white ... in the shade.

Although cheese has a lot of saturated fat can increase cholesterol levels ... some cheese is good for you. Red wine, cheese is good for health when consumed in moderation.

During the manufacturing process of cheese and fermented milk ... Peptides released from milk proteins. These peptides to control your blood pressure ... of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors.

When the protein converts angiotensin to angiotensin II, angiotensin II is a peptide which is blocking the arteries and increases the retention of sodium and water. The whole process really want to pump your blood pressure.

The peptides of the other - a fermented milk products such as cheese - to stop this reaction, which increases the blood pressure. Eat a piece of cheese blocks the enzyme that produces angiotensin II, keep arteries relaxed and keep your blood pressure.

After a hard day at the office ... when the voltage increases blood pressure ... Nice little cheese with a glass of red wine to enjoy. Relax ... Relaxation of the arteries ... low blood pressure normal. Your heart will thank you.

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