Can Drinking Red Wine Lower Hypertension?

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The French paradox is a name for the phenomenon whereby the French, more butter and bacon to eat and to smoke more often than we have 2 1 / 2 fewer heart attacks.

The researchers believe that the answer in part because it may, the French beating us in the daily consumption of red wine in moderation for more than a healthy heart.

The resveratrol in red wine skins of the grapes used in wine production. In white wine the skins are not used. Grapes, resveratrol protects against fungal infections. Therefore, the amount varies resversatrol red wine with wine in terms of climate and other growing conditions. The Rersveratrol superior grapes grown organically or in dry areas.
 For those interested in reviewing appeals from May to drink red wine which was published as a treatment for heart disease, a recent article published by the Mayo Clinic. Mentioned in the article, while the heart-health benefits of red wine look promising, more research is needed to determine whether red wine is better for the heart than other forms of alcohol. For those who drink red wine, and we want moderation.

The generally accepted definition of  moderate  drinking glasses only two six ounces of wine daily for men and one glass of wine, six ounces per day for women. Because men usually weigh more and more of an enzyme that converts alcohol levels are higher than for women.

In general, medical experts have not recommended that non-drinkers to drink red wine as a tool for heart disease may begin avoiding alcohol is addictive and that abuse may cause health problems. Women may want, given the fact that there may be a link between alcohol and breast cancer. For teetotalers, there are alternatives happy. According to a study by the University of Wisconsin-Madison, purple grape juice, white grape juice and red wine have been checked for heart protective effect. The results showed that purple grape juice was beneficial and red wine, maybe even more. Or if you prefer, a cap in my mouth when Pop Happy Hour Comes Around, which provide one month resverasol the average cost of a bottle of wine is made.

In short, have a limited number of red wines in May, the beneficial effect of relaxing the body so that it lowers blood pressure and too much red wine or other alcoholic beverages increases the risk of hypertension. As the old adage:  Everything in moderation.

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