Wine Tasting Made Easy

Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 4:05 AM

Not much mystery wine tasting - what he says. Do you think that gourmet taste grapes and learn the differences between the varieties available.
If you've never done this before, then try at home, perhaps with some friends. First, take three of the four varieties of wine (red, white, pink - or a combination of the three). It should be easy, perhaps my heart for all the help in the bottle. Enter the name of the individual bottles, the manufacturer and year of manufacture and arm yourself with a glass for each bottle and a notebook for his conclusions.
Opening the right to open the bottle with a very open, not letting the cork in the bottle to see, as this may affect the taste and turbidity of the wine. 

) Now, for a glass of wine in the fifth (of a glass is for testing purposes. Note the color of wine and the glass comes out, take a closer look at the style and opacity. Color is a sign of wealth and taste of wine. shadow of communication when you get a little red wine, black cherries, plums, red Burgundy or low note? If there is a white wine white gold and orange accents, fresh citrus? If a rose is a rose pink color Purple is hot or cold? Whatever your conclusions - you can write beside the name of the wine.
Now, swing, good wine, glass and again keep out light. You may notice for the feet, behind a glass of wine in the blend of flavors.
I also note.

 Rotary Accessories now bring the glass to your nose and breathe deeply. Close your eyes and try to see  the data, wine and odors.
It could be, for example, have a strong smell of strawberries, plums or cherries, or objects, lemon peel, cinnamon and spices, chocolate or business. Here, too, write their results.
The first project smells good wine, but this time the mouth with flavors represented was  clear thinking. Close your eyes and take a sip of wine. What are your initial ideas could be his mouth? Simply create new and dynamic , soft, and could Melony, many can and Jammy.
Turn on the air, the wine in your mouth with each party and Housing, as is the case, bite their lips as if whistling, breathing air and release the flavor of wine. Do not breathe too much or you might be wondering cough - Practice makes perfect!
A happy ending, now hold the wine in your mouth for a few minutes, one swallow does not slip even more attractive (in the neck of professional testers, of course, but is a more personal experience and more fun). Note that all the flavors that have been tested and those who remain in the mouth after swallowing. Wine, a long supposed to end. If you think this is the case, again noted.

Note to provide a pitcher of water at the correct size and additional ships, so your customers to clear their palates between tastings.
Apart from the experience that you have read wine labels, indicating the varieties and flavors before serving, but I recommend you leave until the end of sampling and their abilities to see if we have compiled lists. He said all those who have experience and can be improved if you put your trust in the experience is new.
Create a collection One last thing, if possible, a photocopy of any wine label or better still, the labels in the notes, so it's time to create a collection of favorite varieties.

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