Resveratrol Packs Red Wine With Health

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Resveratrol has recently become very interested in the so-called  French paradox  that medical science has abandoned the puzzle too. As a kind of polyphenols, flavonoids, antioxidants, at least a very useful, but many also believe that the explanation for the relatively small number of known cardiovascular disease saturated France, despite the national food supply high in cholesterol and fat. The French, of course, known as the highest per capita alcohol consumption also, especially in the form of red wine.
This is not surprising, because the fat-soluble antioxidants known to the circulatory system to protect the attack, destroying free radicals and other polyphenols and resveratrol in red wine in May will be important to be very useful in this context. Laboratory studies have also shown significant anti-inflammatory and blood from the anticoagulant effects of resveratrol.

But there is more resveratrol. It is known that some potentially harmful substances in the body to be cancer, UNLESS and until metabolized by enzymes in particular. Resveratrol has been shown in laboratory studies to inhibit the activity of these enzymes, and it seems likely that resveratrol May have some protective effect against certain cancers. Resveratrol is also found in laboratory studies that the proliferation of damaged cells gradually DNA can be the potential for developing cancer is, and to allow sufficient time for the repair or removal of DNA, the damaged cells before they are sent too fast dangerous is it to happen. Invasive tumors specialized enzymes to leave so they can have on normal tissues, and its own supply of blood, if they want to develop. Resveratrol is in the lab have an effect on the inhibition of these two processes, perhaps most important, with anti-inflammatory properties.

The orthodox view, but says now that large-scale studies outside the laboratory, before the protective effect against cancer of the required resveratrol can not be determined definitively.

However, anti-inflammatory properties of resveratrol may also be a significant protective action against arteriosclerosis) (hardening of the arteries, an important precursor of heart disease seriously. Resveratrol has been shown to cause very important to play in preventing blood clots to prevent, when a coronary artery or the brain, heart attack or stroke, two major causes of premature death and disability in Western countries.

And surprisingly, it appears that resveratrol may have direct impact on life expectancy. Many studies have shown that reducing calorie intake can increase life span, including several species of mammals, probably by increasing the activity of certain enzymes.
Resveratrol has also shown that these enzymes to boost and increase the lifespan of worms and fruit flies. It is not known whether this leads to reproduce higher organisms, including humans, but there is no sensible reason why not.

For a high consumption of this compound can be very beneficial to the wine you should red wine, focused exclusively produced by fermentation of yeast, including the skin of red grapes and black, like most of resveratrol. In general, the richer the color of wine, took the fermentation of yeast containing resveratrol, polyphenols, wine and more. Generally produced in sunny latitudes with the highest concentration.

There is no problem of toxicity of resveratrol absorption was, as such, although, of course, can happen when an abundance of red wine used to achieve a higher desired consumption. Resveratrol supplements, including a maximum of 50 mg is now easily accessible, but then that moderate alcohol consumption is now generally recognized as a health benefit, particularly the protection of the cardiovascular system. There is no reason to continue to enjoy a few glasses of wine in the evening. And the joy in being more aware that resveratrol provides help to protect your health, a force for good.

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