Wine Storage

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For lovers of wine collecting different varieties of wine is one of the functions of your choice. As the number of wines listed only fool some of the best wines of ecstasy and of course, know exactly what I gather, then the nature of the store their wine. But most people do not manufacture the unit is one of the best types of wine. We build a cellar, the associated costs. However, there is nothing to regret, because there are many other ways, the wine of Nice.

The storage of wine, it is important to specify the types of wines, such as different types of wines from different storage requirements. For example, sparkling wine is more likely to change when exposed to sunlight or direct light. It is good if you want to keep the wine in the bottle for a few days, but if the wine used for a few days, it is preferable to keep the number of sparkling wine in the fridge.

On the other hand, tend to change to white, because still under direct sunlight is best for white wines in a cool, for example, stored in a refrigerator. It is important to remember that prudence in the use of some of the best wines, then cool completely, because they lose their taste in extreme cold to keep. The preferred temperature range, where the white and sparkling wine to serve not less than 45 C. What was the desert wine, the wine is a wonderful taste when served at room temperature as the actual flavor of the wine simply to sit on it.

Its purpose is to serve red wines such as Merlot, it should be kept refrigerated, but in terms of service as a standard red wine should be served at room temperature. Equally important as the day before serving to receive and wine, or at room temperature.

Case, intends to save all our wines on a shelf is ideal to be used for sparkling wines in the previous platform. White can be stored in the hull above the sparkling wine and red wine over white wine. The proposal is based on the fact that heat rises above the height. Therefore, the champagne, which is a fracture at low temperature. The Wine Rack will be a post which is under the direct influence of the sun. The alternative to wine Rack mai a typical glass door refrigerator.

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